This Is How You Get a Second Chernobyl — Or a Third World War

This Is How You Get a Second Chernobyl — Or a Third World War

WARSAW – IT is a nightmare scenario: clouds of radioactive contamination spreading high into the atmosphere and sweeping hundreds of miles across Europe after munitions strike a nuclear reactor in Ukraine. As the world scrambles to respond to the environmental crisis, accusations of deliberate sabotage fly back and forth, setting the stage for a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO.

While it would be comforting to imagine this scenario as far-fetched – a bit of hyperbolic hysteria – so long as fighting continues around the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in southeastern Ukraine there is ample cause for concern that a miscalculation or deliberate action by Russian or Ukrainian military forces could result in a disaster with global impact and environmental damage that could last centuries.

And even as officials in Moscow and Kyiv trade accusations about who is responsible for multiple instances of shelling in and around the sprawling complex – the largest nuclear power plant in Europe – global leaders are issuing increasingly dire warnings about impending nuclear catastrophe, while hawks in Russia and in NATO members say such an event could lead to a wider war...


‘The Tipping Point.’ Ukraine's Kharkiv Advance Signals a Deadlier War Ahead

‘The Tipping Point.’ Ukraine's Kharkiv Advance Signals a Deadlier War Ahead

Mystery Explosions Rock Russian Base — and Send the Propaganda War Into Overdrive

Mystery Explosions Rock Russian Base — and Send the Propaganda War Into Overdrive